Building Data Pipeline in AWS for Retail Data
The blog is posted by WeCloudData’s Data Engineering course student Rupal Bhatt. Here is a Donut Chart prepared from processed data. Our data passes through several processes before meeting a dashboard and giving us a full picture like the one above. This is an attempt to show you one way of processing such data. Big […]
Building Superset Dashboard and Pipeline using Apache Airflow and Google Cloud SQL
The blog is posted by WeCloudData’s Data Science Bootcamp student Ryan Kang. Like Amazon AWS, Google Cloud is a popular cloud used by data analytics companies. Google Cloud allows continuous automation of workflow and big data computation. In this blog, I will briefly introduce how I set up Google Cloud for workflow. Each Google Cloud account […]
Building Digital Marketing Dashboard Using Python, Docker, Airflow in Google Cloud (Part-2)
This blog series is posted by WeCloudData’s Data Science Immersive Bootcamp student Bob Huang (Linkedin) Continuing from the first half of the digital marketing blog post, This is Part 2 that mainly focusing on the data analysis business insights of different social platforms Email: There are lots of information in our emails. We can write codes […]
Building Digital Marketing Dashboard Using Python, Docker, Airflow in Google Cloud (Part 1)
This blog series is posted by WeCloudData’s Data Science Immersive Bootcamp student Bob Huang (Linkedin) OVERVIEW: The digital marketing project gives you the ability to manage and analyze your marketing data from different platforms such as Google Analytic, Gmail, Eventbrite, and Google Ad. You can find your emails based on their sent status, campaign, and […]