Introduction to GitHub Actions
Introduction to Docker
Introduction to Git and Version Control
Introduction to Kubernetes
Introduction to Linux
AWS Fundamental
Cloud Engineering and DevOps: Insights for 2024

DevOps Engineer: Navigate the dynamic world of seamless software development in 2024. Uncover the role, skills, and knowledge essential for success. Craft your learning path with WeCloudData’s curated DevOps Engineering program, exploring version control, CI/CD, containerization, orchestration, and Infrastructure as Code. Embark on a transformative journey toward mastering the art of DevOps Engineering for a thriving career in technology.
DevOps Engineer Track

Info-session: Cloud Engineering and DevOps for Modern Workloads

Event Details Topic: Cloud Engineering and DevOps for Modern Workloads Description: Cloud and DevOps engineering are some of the most sought after skills in the current digital economy. IT has gone through significant transformations and evolutions over the decades and today cloud and DevOps are leveraged across organizations to deploy modern workloads for the business. […]
WeCloudOpen: Introduction to Terraform

Event Details Topic: WeCloudOpen Workshop: Introduction to Terraform Description: Join this hands-on workshop to learn how to get started with Terraform for DevOps. Agenda Introduction to Terraform Terraform files Running Terraform Learn More: WeCloudData offers Bootcamps in DevOps, data analytics, data science, data engineering and machine learning engineering. Our structured curriculum will help you build a […]
Cloud Engineering & DevOps

You can join the workshop with this Zoom meeting link:’, ‘Please make sure to leave time before the start of the workshop for registration*
Info-Session: DevOps Paths

Event Details Topic: WeCloud DevOps Info-Session: DevOps Paths Description: Join us and learn about different career paths for IT professionals in DevOps and Cloud Engineering Agenda DevOps roles and responsibilities Transition from IT to DevOps DevOps career paths Learn More: WeCloudData offers Bootcamps in data analytics, data science, data engineering and machine learning engineering. […]
Info-Session: DevOps Use Cases

Event Details Topic: WeCloudData DevOps Use Cases Description: Join WeCloud’s panel as we showcase and walk through DevOps use cases. Learn how to apply DevOps engineering skills and tools to deliver value to the business and grow your career in tech. We will identify common challenges businesses face in today’s modern digital economy and identify DevOps […]
WeCloudOpen: GitHub Actions

Details Join WeCloudData to complete a DevOps mini project! In this three-part mini course series you will learn: How to work with cloud infrastructures like AWS VPC and EC2 instances with Terraform How to install and configure Git, Python and Docker in EC2 instances with Ansible How to create and automate CI/CD pipelines to deploy […]
DevOps Info-Session: Kubernetes Certification Guide

“Kubernetes Certification Guide” is designed to provide professionals in the IT industry with valuable insights and guidance on how to prepare for and pass the Kubernetes certification exams. The event will cover topics in the Certified Kubernetes Administrator/Application Developer (CKA/D) exams including architecture, installation and configuration, networking, security, and more. The CKA/D certifications are highly […]
Advice from WeCloudData Instructors
We’re extremely proud of our programs and the quality of our services to our students. We’re excited to have you in our DevOps program and we’re equally excited to be a part of your DevOps journey. We hope that through our guidance and mentorship you will launch an exciting career in DevOps. From the moment […]
DevOps Mentorship
We’re extremely proud of our programs and the quality of our services to our students. We’re excited to have you in our DevOps program and we’re equally excited to be a part of your DevOps journey. We hope that through our guidance and mentorship you will launch an exciting career in DevOps. From the time […]
DevOps Engineer Portfolio Project
Building on DevOps Tools and DevOps Learning Path, let’s begin to envision the DevOps portfolio graduates will build as they break into the DevOps field. DevOps graduates will develop competencies in the following areas: Designing DevOps pipelines and workflow architectures with diagrams Planning and managing projects with tools like Jira and Confluence Using version control […]
DevOps Engineer Job Search

It’s not enough to have a portfolio highlighting skill sets and DevOps projects. The DevOps job search takes time, commitment and focus. WeCloudData helps graduates during their DevOps job search and beyond. We create a plan that graduates execute on while also allowing for flexibility as new developments unfold and life changes in unexpected ways. […]
DevOps Engineer Learning Path
Folks interested in a DevOps career may wonder what is required to get started and what they need to learn. Based on DevOps engineering tasks and tools leveraged, DevOps engineers need to be familiar with IT, software development, IT operations, IT systems administration, as well as being able to use the tools in those disciplines […]